Sarah Milne


My JetRide

John was a great guy, & I want to support the charity set up in his memory

  • £25.00

    of £150.00
  • 1



Here I go again asking for donations! A couple of pounds here and there will really help a very worthy cause. If you can help out, that would be very kind of you. If it’s any consolation, I will be saddle sore by the end of tomorrow!!!🙈😂
  • £50 could pay for one day session for one child on the three-year Blue Skies Programme.
  • £100 could fund one child through the 5 session Blue Skies Inspire package.
  • £250 could fund a one-off Inspirational Outreach session within a school.
  • £1500 could fund one child through the full three-year Blue Skies package.


From 1 supporter.

Janet Trestrail
over 2 years ago
Good luck!