Dom Harris
over 3 years ago
Go Smelliot! GO!!
We’ve entered Jon Egging Trust’s JET10 Virtual Relay to help be a small part of raising £100k to support vulnerable young people to get back on track and realise their potential, at a time when they’ve never needed us more after the last year. Our route will take us around RAFC Cranwell, visiting old locations that haunted our dreams during our scheduled fitness sessions like Devils Dip and Cardiac Hill. Some members of the team are aiming for PBs, some for light fancy dress and two members will even be doing the entire 10km in a two person camel suit (as our Sqn Crest is a Camel and they're slightly insane). We know it's been a hell of a year for all of us, but everything we have all been going through has only made the situation for some young people even worse: meaning that now, more than ever, they need our help and support. If us running around in the blazing heat for a day can help raise awareness and make a difference, then something good will have come out of this pandemic! Please give what you can.